About 8 years into my offshore career, I realised the industry was missing something.
It's why we started SPaCE.

Time, money, documentation...
All wasted.
I guess it was to be expected.
The industry has exploded over the last decade and companies are trying to keep up.
The waste has been hidden though
Until now governments have thrown so much cash at our industry that it didn't really matter.
You could just throw bodies at it.
Those days are over.
Subsidies are being cut.
Which means profits margins are reducing,
You need to be much smarter than before.
"It's the system's fault!"
Most contractors supplied are there to do a job.
It could be technical, or it could be managerial.
But they're only there to do the one job.
They're not to blame.
Nor are you.
It's how the industry has grown.
There's an issue that needs solving
Engineering identify resources - let us use 4 job roles in this example
Job roles are passed to procurement
Which is then passed on to a recruitment agency
Procurement receive CVs
4 individuals are selected for the job
Firstly, there's a lot of delays in that system.
Weeks can be lost in people's in-trays alone.

This is an important point.
The more hands it goes through, the longer a turbine could be out of commission.
I want you to really think about that.
Really think!
Great multiskilled people are hiding
Imagine there was a person out there that could do 2 or 3 of the job roles?
You will never get to hear about it though.
Recruitment agencies do their job.
You give them a list of roles, they send you matching CVs.
They often don't have the knowledge or understanding to spot someone that's multi-skilled.
Also, financially, it's not in their best interest.
Think about how you're paying them.
They get a commission for each role they fill.
More roles, more commission.
What's the answer?
Imagine engineering say you need three or four people.
You need to fulfill a safety role, an engineering role, a technical role, and the actual; labour-based role.
You need to be looking for value.
It's why we're trying to get procurement teams to start asking this question more often...
You may not need the 3 or 4 people on your list.
You may need us!